The SNO Report: What’s New from SNO

Hello, you! Welcome to another school year with the SNO Patrol. Summer’s been fun, hasn’t it? But it’s time to get to work.

Here are a couple of new toys and another change we want you to know about:

The new FLOW

A new version of FLOW is here to hopefully help make overseeing your journalism program a little more manageable. That’s why we created the all-in-one newsroom management system five years ago. Now we’ve rebuilt it, using recommendations from advisers just like you.

The new version has customizable assignment types, filters and workflows, automated publishing to your website, Google Docs integration, chat, notifications and photo storage, just to name a few features — not to mention the companion apps we’re working on.

It’s $250 a year as an add-on to your SNO website subscription, but you can get to know FLOW right now with a four-week free trial or by scheduling a FLOW demo.

Student News Source app

We announced a full overhaul of our SNOMobile platform last spring. Unlike our old platform that relied on expensive-to-build, difficult-to-support individual apps, the Source app is more of a hub of student journalism across the country. Users can choose to follow one or many student publications as they want to keep up on. (So far, 104 publications are on it.)

The app features push notifications by category, staff profiles, photo galleries, article comments, video, social sharing and design control from your WordPress dashboard. 

It’s $250 a year as an add-on to your SNO website subscription but free to download on iOS and Android devices to explore as an end user. Go on, give it a try — leave us a review on your app store and rate it five stars.

Design Options

Over the years, so much has been added into or taken out of the SNO Design Options page. This summer, we made a real effort to reorganize where tools were grouped there.

There are new and renamed sections. “Links” gives you a centralized place to change the color and functionality of all links on your website.

Other tools have moved. Your “Site Width Options,” for example, moved into a “General Settings & Structure” section, and favicon and bullet point settings are now in a section titled “General Settings.” The spot where these settings had been housed before is gone altogether.