The SNO Report: Find out where SNO’s camping this summer and join us

SNO will be raking in the frequent flyer miles again this summer, delivering on-site, SNO-centric digital media training at regional workshops throughout the country. Check out our summer schedule below, because you won’t want to miss us.

Even sooner, come see us at our SNO booth next week at the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention in San Francisco, April 12 to April 15.

Our workshop sessions are designed to help you grasp the creative power you have over your SNO site and use it to transform your publication. We’ll cover the basics and get into the advanced tools that’ll take your site to the next level. You’ll be introduced to the most up-to-date features, learn how to study analytics and master the best practices for web and social media.

Can’t make it to a workshop? That’s OK. Order a personalized SNO training session or subscription and we’ll come to you virtually.

Or host a SNO Day for member schools in your area and we’ll come to you personally. SNO Days are all about getting a close-up with your publication. We’ll bring the expertise, you bring the willingness to learn. We’ve already booked a SNO Day in Tampa, Florida for the fall.

Want to know more? Or are you interested in hosting a SNO Day at your school? Get in touch with us. We’re excited to hear from you.