Because I didn’t think March 31st existed: this week on Fresh Powder

Bees and internet trolls are both pests. By ignoring them when they’re buzzing around your ear, you’re hoping they’ll eventually just go away. But what works for a flying insect may not work online. Still, do you test it out? If it doesn’t work, are you too late? That’s the quandary media companies face, especially when it comes to backing their journalists — and recently the brunt of attacks online have targeted female journalists. “Don’t read your mentions,” is a tired strategy that isn’t working Vanity Fair: “No journalist is above criticism. But what female journalists described to me goes beyond legitimate scrutiny of a headline or story framing and into their sex lives, their families, and other topics unrelated to their work, a wildly disproportionate level of pushback to any perceived journalistic offense. … A lack of institutional support has left women journalists to turn elsewhere: to a loose network of support that they have formed with one another.”

In other journalism

–  He has covered all the major events and star athletes, but renowned sportswriter Dave Kindred finds covering small-town Illinois girls high school basketball to be his most fulfilling work. Watch the “60 Minutes” interview.

–  “Each of these projects appear to be, paradoxically, the result of extreme boredom and a jolt of creativity, and each speaks to a small and cultivated audience.” GQ: The Dawn of the Quaranzine, the cool alternative to starting a Substack.

–  Vulture: A passionate podcaster, Jason Concepcion’s Takes on the World.