Entries by Tom

Twitter as a classroom, the art and ethics of shaming, and more from Fresh Powder

This week, in Journalistic News: “Phones-On” Learning: A college professor chronicles her experience moving her social media course’s discussion to Twitter in order to provide a more relevant and hands-on educational experience.  She included weekly live Twitter chats as a part of her syllabus, and grades students both on their participation in the weekly chat, as well as […]

Distinguished Sites Derangement

It’s badge season at SNO Sites, and things are starting to heat up in our elongated version of March Madness. As the season is about half way over––it started in January and runs through April––we thought it was the perfect time to let you know how things were going. So far this season, 125 badges […]

Fresh Powder: One dress, two llamas, and lots of censorship

A weekly summary of journalistic tidbits brought to you by  SNO. This week, in Journalistic News: “The Dress” is, apparently, relevant: According to Craig Silverman at Poynter, the infamous blue/black/white/gold that almost broke the internet this weekend is a significant reminder that we, as human beings, sometimes see things that aren’t actually there.  He argues we […]

Superb support for successful sites starts with SNO

Dumbfounded by design? Stumped by slideshows? Bamboozled by blockquotes? All alliteration aside, help is never more than a couple clicks away. Our help site is full of detailed instructions and step-by-step videos to get you up to speed quickly. You can search for something in particular, or just browse at your leisure. Fill out a […]

Fresh Powder: Snapchat, NYT, and SJW2015

A weekly summary of journalistic tidbits brought to you by   Snapchat recently released a new mobile news feature called “Discover,” which allows users of the app to swipe to the left to access news updates from a variety of partners; CNN, Yahoo, and ESPN, just to name a few.  This is a significant development […]

Fresh Powder: February 18, 2015

A weekly summary of journalistic tidbits brought to you by   Today in the SNO Report we’re introducing a new newsletter from SNO: Fresh Powder.  Each week, members of the SNO Patrol will scour the Web, looking for the most interesting journalism-related stories that you might otherwise have missed.  A Twitter competition lead to an influx of media […]

Fresh Powder

A weekly summary of journalistic tidbits brought to you by   Today in the SNO Report we’re introducing a new newsletter from SNO: Fresh Powder.  Each week, members of the SNO Patrol will scour the Web, looking for the most interesting journalism-related stories that you might otherwise have missed.  A Twitter competition lead to an influx of media […]

Tweets and Toots

Twitter is a driving force in today’s news coverage. We asked some advisers in the SNO network how Twitter has helped enhance their journalism programs. Here’s what they told us. Vincent DeMiero, adviser at Mountlake Terrace High School, realized a few years ago that integrating social media into his journalism program would help it flourish. […]

Journalism eXchange

Now, I know you’re thinking, “yeah, because that’s just what we need–another social media site.”  Understandable.  Accurate, even.  But, hear us out;Journalism eXchange isn’t just another place to type up 140 characters and send it out into the internet void. It’s a place specifically designed for people who care about journalism education.  It’s a website […]