Entries by Tom

Video, video, and more video

This week we’re focusing on what may arguably be the most challenging aspect of digital journalism to tackle — video. From news broadcasts to sports highlights, video is no longer a medium online publications can ignore. We turned to two of your fiercely talented adviser colleagues to learn their success stories with video. Jonathan Rogers oversees […]

Aggressive advisers, apathetic students, and sentence writing 101

The board strikes again: North Michigan University recently fired their newspaper adviser for being too “aggressive” when it came to reporting campus news; of course, a lot of the news the student-led board took issue with didn’t necessarily reflect too well on the university. The paper had investigated topics such as the number of sexual assaults […]

The SNO Report: Resources for journo advisers

At SNO, we’re focused on making the life of a journalism educator a little easier. With that in mind, here are 8 online resources we think are worth checking out: EditTeach.org: Here you’ll find a collection of useful journalism teacher/adviser goodies, including headline challenges, editing resources, ways to improve content, and even a lesson on […]

More data journalism, good news for BuzzFeed hopefuls, podcasts and the Rolling Stone

BuzzFeed brings itself to you (sort of): BuzzFeed reveals their Emerging Writers Fellowship Program, which details a four-month program that provides potential candidates with career mentorship, financial support, and a variety of writing workshops and panel discussions. Being a part of a major news-related corporation has just become more accessible– if you know anyone who […]

Printing your paper is easy with SNNO

Sure, online newspapers are great. You’re publishing at the speed of light, you’ve got multimedia options galore, you’re winning awards and SNO badges like nobody’s business. Plus, your website sure looks fancy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But do you ever get nostalgic for the crinkly newsprint of yore? Do you miss the good old days of […]

AP Change-up, Robot Takeover, and the rise of student journalism

AP messes with our guidelines again: The AP Stylebook released its annual updates at the ACES conference this year; no changes too drastic, though. A quick glance over the AP Stylebook’s Twitter pageinforms us that global warming and climate change can be used interchangeably, though climate change is more scientifically accurate. The phrase “committed suicide” […]

The SNO Report: FLOW v. Trello, CSPA Crown Awards

Chances are you’ve heard some buzz about Trello. We’ve heard it, too. Trello is nice tool for managing projects, but we believe SNO FLOW is a better fit for the needs of scholastic journalism programs like yours. Let’s start with the obvious question: Why buy FLOW if Trello is free? Unlike Trello, which was created as a project management tool […]

Resume Building, BuzzFeed, and Bad Admins: This week’s Fresh Powder Report

This week, in Journalistic News: The pros say: Five successful journalists share their stories on getting started in the journalism industry; from the most important apps to re-affirming the importance of knowing how to navigate social media, these pros give their tips for young, hopeful journalists-to-be. Building that resume: And, while we’re on the subject of […]