Entries by Tom

Recruitment Season

As a seasoned journalism adviser, you know that your staff members are the lifeblood of your program; and obviously, the best way to keep that blood pumping is to continuously recruit more staff.  Sounds easy enough, but students lead hectic lives, and with so many extracurriculars to choose from already, how can you make sure yours […]

Teaching with Best of SNO

You probably already know that Best of SNO showcases great student journalism from schools in our network. But the site’s usefulness doesn’t end at bragging rights. In fact, many teachers and advisers use Best of SNO as a powerful instructional tool in their classrooms and newsrooms. We spoke to one such teacher, Natalie Rebetsky, adviser […]

Google Docs Rock

Here at SNO, we eat, sleep, and breathe WordPress. Why do we love it so? Let us count the ways! It’s flexible, reliable, and user-friendly. No matter what you want to do with your site, there’s probably a plugin or widget that’ll help you do it. You can publish content in just a few clicks—no […]

Pull Quotes and Site Reviews

Got a gold-star quote? Make it shine. Ever written a sentence so fantastic that you think to yourself, “Gee, self, wouldn’t it be great if this sentence was in larger type and placed in juxtaposition with my article so as to entice readers and/or draw their attention to a key idea, while also visually interrupting […]